Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Photoshoped pictures

I took my original picture and fixed it using the curve graph in photoshop.

I fixed this one in photshop by using the histogram.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Screen Shot Bridge

In this shot I have gone through pictures that I have taken and chosen the ones I like. I have also rated them by how much I like and am willing to use them. I created a work space for all of them to go in and a metadata template. 


Photography to Me
     To many people taking a picture can mean a whole lot of different things. It depends on your view, it depends on your purpose, it depends on what your looking for, and it depends on your angle. I'm going to be honest and say I do not shoot a lot of photos. I never think to have my camera with me. I do miss out on a lot of good photo opportunities so I'm going to try and carry my camera with me more. Anyways to me I don't always look for the great angle and Photoshop my pictures to make them look better, I don't always have to have that perfect artist shot that people always awww about. That's my mother's job. I like pictures that are real, no touch ups. It can be of anything that has meaning to me. If I were to look at my photos more carefully I would want the lighting just right for whatever moment I was trying to capture. I like to look for bright colors, faded color, and contrasting colors. To me something antique looking always catches my eye more than something modern. I like the classic look. I am still developing my sense for what I like and appreciate. So what I might think is a great picture others might not appreciate it the same.